A week until July…

Can you believe it?

Dreams of wee calves once again.
Aw look, just thought I’d touch base with you all out there - a wee check in, if you will. All well here thanks - just chipping away. Business is slow, but you get that in the colder months, so nothing to be alarmed about I don’t think… right? haha.

We’ve been working in the background a fair bit trying to convince stockists to come on board for the Summer - we have a goal of 15 for the year if you remember, and we’re now at 8 - so we’re getting there! We have an expo in a couple of months so fingers crossed we get some more eager beavers there! And plenty of time between now and then to keep door knocking so that’s happy days.

We’ve got fresh stock in which is always good (use discount code READER to get 20% discount on any order until the end of June).Our latest clip seemed to have been received well which is awesome - we’re now cooking up more content and ideas to bring to you when things start to warm up a bit.

It’s funny times because I feel like the whole year is mapped out and this time in the map has always been assigned to do what we’re doing now. So it’s hard to see results, but patience is key and I know that come Summer, the work we’re doing now will pay off and we’ll be busy af. Manifesting that anyway haha.

Does it work like that? 
Let’s pray.
Same thing maybe?
I digress…

Anyway, hope you’re all keeping warm and well - be sure to keep spreading the good word of Alarf would you? 

Chairs mates,


Alarf x HOTYF