“Why though?”

Well that’s a very fair question. Let me (Tom) shed a bit of light what Alarf is, and where it has come from.

Frances & I are a brother/sister duo from the Hinuera Valley, Waikato, New Zealand. Together we have always had a passion for clothes and fashion. Frances being the style guru she is, and me, Tom, always having an opinion on said style and outfit choices. I don’t know, clothes are just such a fun thing to play around with and dress up etc. Anyway, this may come as a bit of a surprise for those who don’t know as we both live and work on our family farm. Frances runs a bnb on the property called “The Rocks” which caters heavily to the wedding market, as well as tourism, and I manage the dairy cow operation where we milk about 300 jersey cows.

It was when I was travelling overseas, that I wanted to buy a funny t shirt for my mate. However, the more I looked, the more I realised I should probably just design my own. The creative juices begun to flow, and after chatting to Frances about it (who is a fantastic artist herself and does all the designs), we decided we’d go in together and start our brand Alarf.
Naturally, t shirts are proving to only be the beginning, and we love finding new gems that we truly love to share with you all and build our product catalogue. The next couple of years particularly are going to be a hell of a lot of fun, and I CAN’T WAIT to show you all our next ideas.
Although tees will probably always remain the core of our business, and that’s great. Who doesn’t love a good tee!

It has been an awesome journey working on Alarf. The things we have learned along the way, I know, will pay dividend in many aspects of business going forward, regardless of the success of Alarf.

Our garments look and feel great, and are surprisingly cunning little conversation starters! Perfect for when you’re at the bar, or just a dusty Sunday.

Bash it around, throw it through the wash, through the dryer - and enjoy it!

Go on - Look Good. Do Good. Have Alarf.