Wee sausage sizzle

Thanks to the amazing support of the Alarf Community, we were able to kick off our “Co -Curricular” campaign by putting on a free lunch for the awesome kids at Hamilton Junior High School. We teamed up with The Waterboy, a fantastic local charity doing great work helping kids get into sport throughout the Waikato, and the larger NZ community. They set up a “dabble day” at Hamilton Junior High School to show kids the different sports they can get involved in. It’s also a chance for them to interact with some great role models and mentors that The Waterboy surround themselves with.

We offered a sausage sizzle (and some of Mother’s feijoas - shoutout to Jan) as part of that day, so the kids could get some good kiwi tucker into them after a solid day’s sport (even though we got rained off a little earlier than we would have liked). We figured this could ease potential fiscal issues that some of these kids families may be facing at home. And I must say, for us, it was a real eye opener into another side of our Aotearoa community that we hadn’t really seen. But man, the kids were an absolute delight. It made us realise that all these kids need/want/deserve is some positive encouragement - they all seem to have the ability and strength to take on the world! It was a really humbling experience and we can’t wait to put on another one.

We’d like to thank Stacey Bond at The Waterboy for having us be apart of such a special day, and we are very much looking forward to our next community involvement.


Alarf debut w/ market mare


Alarf party