Alarf debut w/ market mare

After what seemed like an eternity, we were finally prepared to hit our first market of the Alarf career. Our spot was booked at Tamahere, the paywave system checked, and checked again, the freshly stocked tees were still warm, and the gazebo was sorted. Now, the only thing that could potentially hinder a successful campaign, would be to ensure that Tom got himself to Tamahere at 0700h on Saturday morning. Seemed simple enough, though throw a friends graduation party in the mix on the Friday night beforehand, and all of a sudden there’s a bit of angst in the air.

Now, we’re unsure exactly what happened on the Friday night, though flashes of cheering, lads chanting, and the crucifixion of fellow party goers at the price of necked beverages lead Tom to be abruptly awoken by said comrades at 0800h starting his morning with a rude and panicked awakening. “Oh shit!” he said, wiping the sleep from his eyes and clambering off the couch to find his phone filled with missed calls from the more organised half of the contingent - Frances & Milkie (Michael Wilkie - sorry for the delayed shoutout, shags). A quick throw on of last nights clothes, and before 5 minutes had passed, Tom was hastily making his way out of Flagstaff - Tamahere bound - and thankfully for him as this would mean a quiet turnout - in a wet n wild, Waikato day. A quick consolation phone call to Frances, (who was understandably beginning to get a little stressed, seeing all the stalls had been erected except an empty site at C45 with Alarf’s name on it), and now all we could do was hope for a swift arrival.

0840h and finally Tom arrives at the, now, very open market. After weaving his way through the patrons, he finally found a spot reserved for Alarf. Pulling the truck up to the site, a very dusty looking human piles out of the car and hastily begins setting up the site, much to the amusement of the other stallholders. However, before even 10 minutes had passed, we were open and ready for business!

After battling the torrential rain and wind, a bacon & egg BAP and coffee, holding down the gazebo to stop the dam thing blowing away, and selling 1 t shirt, we figured we could probably afford to pack down for the day.

All in all we had a fun morning, and are looking forward to many more successful market stints throughout the year.



where’ve you been, Alarf?


Wee sausage sizzle