It’s been hard to laugh…

Man, what a time we’re having at the moment… 
It seems everywhere I turn there’s grief, hardship & tragedy. 
When it rains it pours, and it would seem the storm is rife. 
It certainly is in my community anyway.
I guess I’m just writing to anyone out there who is going through stuff at the moment. Be it the loss of a loved one, sickness, financial struggles or any adversity that seems to be weighing on your day.

You are not alone. 

And yes, that term can get thrown around a bit, but I can confidently say that you are definitely not alone. 
Maybe this is a sign to take a bit more time for people through your day. 
Send more smiles, give longer hugs, thank your servers more than you normally would.  
Odds are, they could do with some more light as well.
And hey, I’m not saying that adversity is filling the days of all of us, and maybe you don’t even know what I’m talking about (consider yourself lucky), but even still, for a lot of people this is the case.
And for whatever reason, it would seem now more than ever. 

I mean I don’t know anything really, and by no means listen to what I have to say, but I’m sure anyone would agree that to take a little more patience and spread more kindness to all of your countrymen and women, is a positive thing.
We can all do with more goodness in our lives - no matter the circumstance. 

I won’t bore you, but I just wanted to send a, I guess relatively somber note, though one that is intended to give a big hug to all - because we are certainly stronger as a team, and I’m keen to be part of it.
Whatever that may look like. 

Lots of love everyone.

Kia kaha.


Alarf x HOTYF


Happy new year…