Time for an update

How about the Summer we had? Not much of one really was it. Though if you milk cows like us, it’s hard to complain with all the warm rain we’ve been having. Could be keen on a little reliable sun however. Though it seems that boat has well sailed. Could be a frost tomorrow! lol. Aaaanyway, weather chat ay. I thought I’d just pen a wee update on how things are tracking here at Alarf. It’s been a pretty surreal 12 months and the progress we have made has been incredible. Thanks to our fantastic, loyal customers, our online presence has really picked up, and we’re starting to see the results we’ve hoped for which is hugely encouraging. We set a goal last year to have a pop up shop this Summer, and alongside our sister in law, and active ware guru -Abbie Healey with Fore Active, we managed to get a week in Ponsonby Central taking the merch to the big smoke. It was certainly worthwhile, however, the outrageous Auckland rain didn’t necessarily inspire punters to hit the streets shopping. Though we did manage to squeeze in a Mini Simmons gig, and a few ales too, so still plenty to smile about. We had Bask 2.0, or should I say, we didn’t. That has certainly been a roller coaster of a ride from beginning the journey 18 months ago. If only COVID hadn’t got in our way, I’m sure it would have been a hit, however, things change, and it was sad to pull the pin on it, but alas, we will rebuild! (Stick in your lane Alarf! haha) I’m super excited for the year to come, with some new designs coming as well as a new item that we’re working on being put out later in the year. I hope those of you that support us (if you’re reading this, that’s you!) feel the love from Fran & I and know that we appreciate all of you, and hope you stick with us on this treacherous path that is Alarf. It ain’t the easiest thing, but it sure is fun, and who doesn’t love a good challenge. We hope 2023 is a good one for you, and that all you do you feel proud to stand behind. Piece out. Tom.


Yea na good, you?


where’ve you been, Alarf?