Yea na good, you?

Hey team, Tom here. I write to you in my layover “space pod” from the Denpasar Airport en route to Bima, Indonesia where I will be meeting two friends for a week of sailing around the islands. How bloody good, and what a way to round off a month tour through Europe with my best mates. Struth, I tell you though, it certainly feels like there’s nothing left in the tank, which is exactly what I was hoping for going into this journey.

I was fortunate enough to visit our suppliers in Portugal, and have a tour of their brand new headquarters, consisting of a fully sustainable, steam powered factory, as well as solar panels making up for the rest of the energy requirements. They have a fully recyclable water system that cleans the water before reusing it, with the un-recyclable water getting pumped back over to the nearby farmers for them to spread on their crops. This is all possible as every step of the manufacturing process is 100 % organic and natural, meaning if anything, it only adds more minerals back into the earth. This includes the dying process. It was truly a beautiful example of sustainable fashion and makes me incredibly proud to say that we are currently the only brand in New Zealand offering this fully organic cycle, and there is only one other children’s wear brand in Australia that uses them. Alarf is pioneering the way forward with sustainable fashion, and I can’t wait to continue to add more of their cotton onto our shelves. (You just have to keep buying so we can afford to!!! haha).

I feel excited going into this next chapter of Alarf and well, life really, having that feeling of inspiration and clarity of the tasks and responsibilities that lay ahead. Sometimes you get that burning feeling inside where you just know that where you are is exactly where you’re supposed to be. Nothing like a good ol’ OE for some soul searching, right. Lol. Aaaanyway that’s probably enough of the hippie bullshit. 

On another note, Frances & I have been working on our new collection that we will be releasing early July and we’re super excited to share it with you. It’s a fresh look for Alarf, providing some new styles, designs and just a new way of looking at things, I guess. That’s what it’s all about. 

Stay tuned for some super fun things to come, and I hope everyone is keeping well and warm as the New Zealand winter approaches.

I’m already having dreams of little calves! 


Why the obsession?


Time for an update